Lupoli Co.
We created an experience that immersed a client in the potential of their space, where from a single room, they could explore and visualize the vast potential for their business in each of Lupoli’s properties, experiencing the tour and the buildout in moments.
Our Solution
The best way a potential tenant can consider a space is if they can picture themselves in it. A commercial space is just an empty room until the possibilities can be shown - so we needed to turn that empty room into a blank slate.
Finding tenants for commercial real estate involves a lot of legwork and a lot of guesswork. Literature and talking points can only get you so far, and to get the most out of their time with potential clients, the Lupoli Companies wanted to wow them with a centralized experience.
Within this space, the user can not only virtually visit each of Lupoli’s properties with a library of 360⁰ photography, but also build out a fully customized multi-story commercial space within the virtual environment.
In real-time, the amphitheater becomes a virtual tour of their potential business - walls, furniture, and decor all customizable within any size of space - removing the guesswork and revealing the possibilities all without leaving the room.
The Lupoli Experience Center was an initiative to bring the commercial real estate business into the digital age; to create a central hub wherein Lupoli’s portfolio of properties could be shown, as well as what the possibilities within could be.
To accomplish this, we built an immersive amphitheater where the user was surrounded by a 180⁰ curved screen filled by three combined projector images to create a headset-less Virtual Reality space.
The software we created allowed the host to not only guide the guest through an array of prepared marketing materials and panoramic imagery, but also to create and customize a three-dimensional real-time virtual space, built on the fly to represent any space a potential customer might wish to build.
Within the enveloping virtual space created inside the projector room, we developed a powerful but intuitive system that would allow a user to build out and then walk through any of a multitude of possible spaces within one of Lupoli’s commercial properties.
Room Designer
Perhaps the most notable was the problem of how to capture and display such a wide image in a virtual space without the telltale "fisheye" distortion of a wide-angle lens - a problem ultimately solved by array of 18 virtual cameras spread in a 180⁰ arc, each capturing just a slice of the overall scene.
The challenges continued beyond the design process - aside from the many intricacies of building out a fully modular and customizable spatial visualizer, the curved display presented its own conundrum.
Field of View
Whether fulfilling a user need or enriching an experience, Showroom develops products and solutions that merge physical and digital spaces.”
Brand Strategy
Digital Environment
The full 180⁰ projection screen thus became the centerpiece of Lupoli's showroom and set us the task of making every piece of content for this novel format. From capturing panoramic imagery of each property to designing visuals and user interface for this unique display paradigm, every piece of the project merited careful consideration.
Virtual Reality was an obvious platform candidate for this project, but wearing a headset, aside from being an uncomfortable experience for many, would put a barrier between the client and the salesperson. So, we shifted our thinking in a radical new direction to showcase these immersive 3D spaces.
Immersion Without Intrusion
Moreover, the app functioned as the nerve center for the entire experience. The host could control the entire flow of a presentation - introducing properties, showing individual units, and customizing an entire commercial space - all from within the same interface.
The entire experience was directed by a tablet running a piece of software carefully designed to be both powerful and intuitive. Drawing a wall with a gesture, laying out a row of desks with the tap of a button; a myriad of spaces could be explored in mere moments.